The Forrest Wilson Experience
As a podcast, The Forrest Wilson Experience is recorded in a field of wellbeing, wholeness, creativity, healing, inspiration, and generativity
As a listener and receiver, you are invited to relax and rest into this field.
You are invited to be resourced and recreated by the field we are gathering in.
About Forrest
After his father passed away in his early twenties, Forrest decided to let go of the idea he had for his life based on the expectations, conditioning, and cultural constructs he took on as a young person and dive deep into healing, developmental, and awakening journeys.
After nearly a decade of playing in the unseen world, Forrest has found connection to a tremendous passion for supporting a humanity to live life more fully. By embodying a way of being that is palpably alive, clear, penetrative, and illuminating, Forrest invites folks around him to play all out.
The experience of being around Forrest is oftentimes described as intense. Intensely loving, clear, challenging, and sometimes confronting. The term "The Forrest Wilson Experience" has emerged from a group of people to describe that people can't not transform and develop when they hang around Forrest.
This podcast has been building in Forrest for over a decade, and is launching now as an invitation for every person to let go of who we pretend to be, to suspend pretending, and get raw, real, honest, and clear with each other.
Forrest invites the folks he meets along the journey of life to join in a field of loving, healing, wholehearted awareness where we can see and be seen by each other as the universe unfolds into greater expressions of juicy aliveness and vibrant being-ness.
Forrest and the other luminaries and pioneers who gather for these recordings vibrantly emanate the essence of who we all are while blazing trails of vivacious consciousness into the future-now together.
Topics of exploration include and are not limited to:
The Soul Economy, Wellbeing, Planetary Systems, Culture, We-Spaces, Healing, Sourcing, The Mystical Path, Money, Evolution, Embodiment, Sacred Spaces, Collective Coherence, Collective Emergence, Development, Trauma, Shadow Work, The Destiny of Humanity, Energy Work, and more!
The Forrest Wilson Experience
Mangoes Giggle When They Roar: A Journey Into Wholeness with Alexander Love
In this episode, I'm joined by Alexander Love and together, we explore Wholeness and the process of Becoming.
Alexander and I met in 2022 in Boulder, Colorado, where Alexander has an established practice as a developmental coach, acupuncturist, and developer of the Lumina Process, a coaching modality that supports clients to resolve their interior shadows..
I've felt so connected to Alexander since the moment we met and I keep discovering we have more and more in common, including both of us losing our fathers in our early twenties.
Last fall I had the joy and pleasure of facilitating a weekend retreat in partnership and collaboration with Alexander and am excited to share him with you through this podcast recording.
In this episode, Alexander and I explore how growing up is not about climbing stairs, but rather a filling-out process of becoming more whole.
We explore Wholeness as an experience and a place to orient from, recognizing that by establishing Wholeness as a starting point, we can see potentials in people and connect from what is most essential in us.
We notice relating from Wholeness embraces the Grace of allowing ourselves and others the room to practice, learn, and grow as we navigate the path of embodying and becoming who we are more fully.
We speak about Wholeness and Qualities of Wholeness:
- Wholeness leaves nothing behind. Separation, division, and fragmentation have to be included, otherwise it wouldn't be Wholeness.
- Wholeness embraces every part of ourselves, encouraging us to turn towards, get to know, and be closer with every aspect of who we are.
- Wholeness has an infinite capacity to embody various virtues like wonder, curiosity, love, and playfulness.
Additional topics we explore include:
- Sympoiesis - becoming with each other and the world as we hug life intimately and re-enchant ourselves with the essence of simple human kindness and decency.
- The beauty of embracing ourselves as verbs, as an unfolding, as a continuity stream, and a set of gestures.
- Becoming reenchanted.
- The gift of reason can oftentimes come with the pain of distance.